My Guardian Angel

My guardian angel is by me
Shadowing me like a tree.
We sing our psalms together,
We share praises and prayer.
"Your voice is sweet."
"No, yours is better."
He is there to share with me.

1- When I feel afraid of a thing
He takes me under his wing.
Alerts me when I go wrong,
And helps me to stay as strong.
This is my angel, my angel,
This is my guardian angel.

2- When at home, he's there
Blessing every little corner;
He is happy when we care,
Love each other and spare.
This is my angel, my angel,
This is my guardian angel.

3- He tells me to be always joyful,
Teaches me to be thankful,
Helps me to remain faithful,
Oh, he is so wonderful.
This is my angel, my angel,
This is my guardian angel.
My Guardian Angel My Guardian Angel Reviewed by Admin Ketjik on September 06, 2007 Rating: 5

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