Glory to God in the highest
Peace to men upon the earth.
Praise to the Father, Son and Spirit;
We are the sons of God by birth.
Praise to Jesus Christ our Lord
Who comes as God's own healing word
God's first promise was a Son
Praise to the holy mighty One.
Heavenly King, Lord and Saviour
You take away the sins of men.
Through your dying and rising,
We are reconciled to God again.
Seated now at God's right hand
One who one time walked our land.
Peace to men upon the earth.
Praise to the Father, Son and Spirit;
We are the sons of God by birth.
Praise to Jesus Christ our Lord
Who comes as God's own healing word
God's first promise was a Son
Praise to the holy mighty One.
Heavenly King, Lord and Saviour
You take away the sins of men.
Through your dying and rising,
We are reconciled to God again.
Seated now at God's right hand
One who one time walked our land.
Glory to God
Reviewed by Admin Ketjik
Agustus 24, 2007
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