Sing a new song
Sing praise His name
Sing, O earth be glad
His salvation to proclaim
Sing of His wonders
Sing our Lord reigns
Sing O earth rejoice
Give the glory due his Name
Praise his Name and sing…
The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
Let the distant shores rejoice
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Sing lift up your voice
Sing to the Lord all the earth
Let the heavens proclaim
The majesty and honor due his name!
Sing fields be jubilant
Sing mountains highest praise
Sing trees of the field
Clap you hands and voices raise
Sing mighty thunder
Sing lightning, light the sky
Sing “A fortress is our God,”
The mighty earth replies.
Praise his Name and sing…
The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
Let the distant shores rejoice
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Sing lift up your voice
Sing to the Lord all the earth
Let the heavens proclaim
The majesty and honor due his name!
We worship you, Oh Lord our God
We worship you, Gracious Redeemer,
Prince of Peace, Mighty God
Comforter, Holy Father!
The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
Let the distant shores rejoice
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Sing lift up your voice
Sing to the Lord all the earth
Let the heavens proclaim
The majesty and honor due his name! (2)
Sing His majesty, sing His honor,
The majesty and honor due His Name!
Sing praise His name
Sing, O earth be glad
His salvation to proclaim
Sing of His wonders
Sing our Lord reigns
Sing O earth rejoice
Give the glory due his Name
Praise his Name and sing…
The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
Let the distant shores rejoice
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Sing lift up your voice
Sing to the Lord all the earth
Let the heavens proclaim
The majesty and honor due his name!
Sing fields be jubilant
Sing mountains highest praise
Sing trees of the field
Clap you hands and voices raise
Sing mighty thunder
Sing lightning, light the sky
Sing “A fortress is our God,”
The mighty earth replies.
Praise his Name and sing…
The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
Let the distant shores rejoice
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Sing lift up your voice
Sing to the Lord all the earth
Let the heavens proclaim
The majesty and honor due his name!
We worship you, Oh Lord our God
We worship you, Gracious Redeemer,
Prince of Peace, Mighty God
Comforter, Holy Father!
The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
Let the distant shores rejoice
For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Sing lift up your voice
Sing to the Lord all the earth
Let the heavens proclaim
The majesty and honor due his name! (2)
Sing His majesty, sing His honor,
The majesty and honor due His Name!
The Lord Reigns 2`
Reviewed by Admin Ketjik
Maret 03, 2008
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